martedì 20 dicembre 2016

My 2016

I cannot deny this has been a great year, travelwise. And also looking at it under many other aspects. I gained my independence and learned how to manage myself. I got less scared of the future. I know I will have my place in the world, wherever I go, whenever I am. I love being with people, I feel confortable being in new situations and with unknown people.

mercoledì 21 settembre 2016

Interview | Worldpackers: exchange your skills for accommodation

It took me some time to start answering these questions for this interview. Firstly, I was postponing because I was busy, then because I wanted to find a moment of concentration, then I was looking for inspiration. The thing is: I am not a good writer. I don't even like writing that much. I find hard to find the right words. And especially talking about such a great experience, it isn't easy at all.

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